step backward

美 [step ˈbækwərd]英 [step ˈbækwəd]
  • 向后退
step backwardstep backward
  1. He moved a step backward / backwards .


  2. Make a big / small circle , one step backward / forward , everyone .


  3. It seemed his progress was two steps forward and one step backward .


  4. He took a step backward , his hand going to his face .


  5. Just one more step backward and he would have fallen to his death .


  6. Take one step backward .


  7. He took a step backward , raised his own wooden blade .


  8. She rose and took a tentative step backward .


  9. Then I step backward and watching it silently , then I see the true feelings .


  10. But this change was , to all appearances , a step backward and therefore necessarily very difficult .


  11. Finally , taking one step backward , he clearly and concisely explained his whole situation to the secretary .


  12. At one point I took a step backward and went tumbling . The crowd bore back a little .


  13. Yet news of the plans dismays some who think it 's a step backward .


  14. But when it handles the question incorrectly , it moves a step backward .


  15. He took a step backward ... and Shaggydog came out of the shadows behind him , snarling .


  16. If he screens behind a stationary opponent , the opponent must be able to take a normal step backward without contact .


  17. When an argument arises , Virgo is adaptable enough to take a step backward and not allow a fight to take place .


  18. An anti-smoking group took the ruling Tuesday as a step backward in their drive to hold tobacco makers responsible for smokers'deaths from lung cancer .


  19. For example , when you love someone , changes are all around . Then I step backward and watching it silently , then I see the true feelings .


  20. If you take a job that 's less than your previous one , you 'll need to be able to explain this apparent step backward the next time you 're looking .


  21. It was two decades ago that a group of culinary mavericks took a giant step backward down the evolutionary trail with the " slow food " movement .


  22. Likewise , if the woman must lift , it is safest for her to lift cross-court so that all she has to do is take a step backward to defend .


  23. On the flip side , battery life seems to be something we can 't quite get comfortable with - Apple 's MacBook Pros enjoyed many years of great battery life , but the latest 2017 versions seem to have taken a major step backward .


  24. So take a step forward not backward , or move so quick that you lose your ground .


  25. The Laplace modified method is used in time step and the backward Euler scheme and Crank - Nicolson scheme are developed .


  26. For some , like Mr. Lethem , it was also a gateway into more sophisticated cinematic pleasures , and a first step on a backward path through movie history .


  27. I asked if she considered this a step forward or a step backward , but just then the bell rang , and I never got an answer !


  28. According to the superposition style of deposits , the intracontinental foreland basin has been subdivided into step forward , superposition and step backward types and sedimentary sequence model for each type has been established .
